For the past couple of weeks I have been slowly setting up my Vim and tmux config files to just the way I prefer, creating the perfect workflow for working on C/C++ and Rust projects that increases my productivity by not only not having to constantly switch between the keyboard and the mouse/touchpad for every little task/navigation but also to just touch type my way to glory :). Especially since with C and Rust not having a single canonical IDE and inherently requiring to interact with the terminal for compiling and debugging, Vim coupled with a language server (I’m using cquery for C/C++, RLS for Rust) is the perfect IDE for these languages.
Does anyone else also feel that we need lightning [network] desktop and mobile app wallets that can connect to your remote lnd server with gRPC (using rpc username and password) instead of every app loading and syncing their own chain on device? Leading to multiple wallets and coin fragmentation among those wallets.
Update: My pull requests implementing the techniques discussed here were merged into the zeit/next.js with-data-prefetch and with-apollo examples. You can easily combine the various examples (including the above two) to achieve your desired functionality. For most modern web apps, network speed and latency is still the biggest constraint for high performance and great UX. Universally rendered Isomorphic applications do a great job to solve that to some extent without sacrificing interactivity by processing the complete DOM of the first request on the server and subsequent requests on the client. But there is a lot more we can do.